An on-line physically interactive
game about saving the world

Play simpulated online version here

Tech Specs

Inside the gloves is conductive fabric to sense when the wrist is closed and a microcontroller called 'The Light Blue Bean' which has an accelerometer, 3V coin cel battery, and BLE (bluetooth low emission)communication. The cape is a closed circuit with conductive Velcro and embedded LED lights. The site was coded in JavaScript, P5.js, Three.js, and Arduino. The graphics were made in Photoshop, AfterEffects, and Cinema4D.

A video posted by Soft Club (@itpsoftclub) on

Making Of

'Superhero' was created as a graduate school final project in Interactive Media while attending NYU's ITP master's program. Eve and KC combined lessons learned in three classes - Physical Computing, Computational Media, and Fabrication.

A video posted by Eve Weinberg (@eve_weinberg) on

A video posted by Eve Weinberg (@eve_weinberg) on


Our first showing with the game!

An early proof-of-concept video

Intro Screen

Creators: Eve & KC

Eve Weinberg and KC Lathrop are graduate students at ITP. KC is an educator and Eve is a motion graphics director. The concept for this game came from the desire to boost kids‘ self esteem and from their love of children’s books.
Eve was responsible for the game and website design and development, and KC was responsible for the wearables.

Eve's motion portfolio can be seen here
Email Eve Weinberg
Email KC Lathrop


Here is a live stream from our first two days of showing the piece to the public at the ITP Winter Show.